-2-3 Plantas de Suculentas (Son mejor las pequeñas y anchas que las altas)
-Tierra para macetas
-Exacto, cutter o tijeras
-Una bolsa de plástico
-Pegamento blanco
-Lápiz y Regla
Paso 1: Pegar las páginas
La noche anterior, aplica una capa fina de pegamento sobre las páginas del libro. No necesitas ser muy preciso o colocar sobre toda la superficie. Simplemente esto ayudara a la hora de cortar las páginas del libro.
Paso 2: Cortar el libro
Utilizando la regla y el lápiz, dibuja un cuadrado sobre una de las páginas, te recomendamos dejar alguna páginas sueltas. Con el exacto o cutter comienza a cortar las páginas del libro, tomando como guía el cuadrado que dibujaste anteriormente. Necesitaras cortar por lo menos 1 1/2 pulgadas de profundidad.
Paso 3: Cubrir con Plástico
Cubre el cuadrado con un trozo de bolsa plástica. Esto ayuda a prevenir que el libro se dañe al colocar la tierra. Puedes agregar un poco de grava sobre la bolsa para proporcionar un poco de drenaje a la planta.
Paso 4: Plantar las Suculentas
Comienza colocando una de las suculentas en el lugar deseado. Agrega un poco de tierra para mantener la planta en su lugar. Después coloca la otra suculenta y termina por rellenar con la tierra. Al finalizar puedes cubrir la tierra con un poco de musgo, solo para dar mejor presentación.
Paso 5: Pulir el diseño
Corta el exceso de la bolsa plástica con el cutter o las tijeras. Sopla la tierra que haya quedado en la superficie, de manera que quede una superficie limpia. Rocía las plantas una vez a la semana, las suculentas no necesitan demasiada agua, pero si necesitan una gran cantidad de luz solar. Al rociar la planta tenga cuidado con la página de portada, para evitar mojarla. Listo!!
-2 To 3 Succulent Plants (are best small and wider than high)
-Potting soil
-Cutter or scissors
-A plastic bag
-White glue
-Pencil and ruler
Step 1: Paste the pages
The night before, apply a thin layer of glue on the pages of the book. No need to be very precise or place over the entire surface. Simply this will help when cutting through the book.
Step 2: Cut the book
Using the ruler and pencil, draw a square on one of the pages, we recommend you leave some loose pages. With the exact or cutter begins to cut the pages of the book, guided the square you drew earlier. You will need to cut at least 1 1/2 inches deep.
Step 3: Cover with plastic
Cover the square with a piece of plastic bag. This helps prevent damage to the book when you place the soil. You can add a bit of gravel on the bag to provide some drainage to the plant.
Step 4: Planting Succulents
Start by placing one of the desired succulent. Add some soil to keep the plant in place. Then place the other succulent and ends up filling with the soil. At the end you can cover the ground with a bit of moss, just to give better presentation.
Step 5: Polish the design
Cut the excess of plastic bag with the cutter or scissors. Blowing the soil remaining on the surface, so as lo leave a clean surface. Spray the plants once a week, succulents do not need much water, but they need a lot of sunlight. When spraying the plant beware to avoid wet the front page. Ready!
-2 To 3 Succulent Plants (are best small and wider than high)
-Potting soil
-Cutter or scissors
-A plastic bag
-White glue
-Pencil and ruler
Step 1: Paste the pages
The night before, apply a thin layer of glue on the pages of the book. No need to be very precise or place over the entire surface. Simply this will help when cutting through the book.
Step 2: Cut the book
Using the ruler and pencil, draw a square on one of the pages, we recommend you leave some loose pages. With the exact or cutter begins to cut the pages of the book, guided the square you drew earlier. You will need to cut at least 1 1/2 inches deep.
Step 3: Cover with plastic
Cover the square with a piece of plastic bag. This helps prevent damage to the book when you place the soil. You can add a bit of gravel on the bag to provide some drainage to the plant.
Step 4: Planting Succulents
Start by placing one of the desired succulent. Add some soil to keep the plant in place. Then place the other succulent and ends up filling with the soil. At the end you can cover the ground with a bit of moss, just to give better presentation.
Step 5: Polish the design
Cut the excess of plastic bag with the cutter or scissors. Blowing the soil remaining on the surface, so as lo leave a clean surface. Spray the plants once a week, succulents do not need much water, but they need a lot of sunlight. When spraying the plant beware to avoid wet the front page. Ready!
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