-Plantilla hexagonal
-Tiza blanca
-Tijeras o Cutter rotatorio
-Pistola de silicón, botones o broches de presión.
Paso 1: Dibuja la plantilla
Puedes hacer una canasta tan grande o pequeña como quieras. Para dibujar la plantilla dibuja sobre papel una forma hexagonal, recuerda que el tamaño no varia tanto. Así que el tamaño del dibujo será mas o menos igual al producto final.
Paso 2: Corta la plantilla
Utiliza alfileres para fijar la plantilla sobre el fieltro, dibuja el contorno con el gis blanco. Quita los alfileres y el papel. Utiliza las tijeras o una regla y un Cutter rotatorio para hacer las ranuras de cada esquina adyacente. Ten cuidado de no cortarte!
Paso 3: Arma tu canasta
Dobla y coloca un lado del hexágono sobre otro, creando la forma de una flor colocando capa sobre capa. Al final puedes pegar las últimas capas con la pistola de silicón, colocarles un botón, coserlas o si prefieres botones de presión para que se sostenga.
You will need:
-White Chalk
-Scissors or rotary cutter
-Silicon-gun, buttons or snaps.
Step 1: Draw the template
You can make a basket as large or small as you like. To draw the template draws on paper a basic hexagonal shape, remember that size does not vary much. So the size of the drawing will be more or less equal to the final product.
Step 2: Cut the template
Use pins to hold the template on the felt, draw the outline with white chalk. Remove the pins and paper. Use scissors or a ruler and rotary cutter to make slits from each adjacent corner. Be careful not to cut!
Step 3: Plan your basket
Fold up and place one side of the hexagon on the other, creating the shape of a flower placing layer upon layer. At the end you can paste the last layers using silicon gun, a button, sew or snaps to hold it.
-White Chalk
-Scissors or rotary cutter
-Silicon-gun, buttons or snaps.
Step 1: Draw the template
You can make a basket as large or small as you like. To draw the template draws on paper a basic hexagonal shape, remember that size does not vary much. So the size of the drawing will be more or less equal to the final product.
Step 2: Cut the template
Use pins to hold the template on the felt, draw the outline with white chalk. Remove the pins and paper. Use scissors or a ruler and rotary cutter to make slits from each adjacent corner. Be careful not to cut!
Step 3: Plan your basket
Fold up and place one side of the hexagon on the other, creating the shape of a flower placing layer upon layer. At the end you can paste the last layers using silicon gun, a button, sew or snaps to hold it.
Hola Ático