- Le Porc-Shop es un taller fundado por Paula Silva Ruvalcaba y Rodrigo V Guerrero, en donde buscamos conectar el reciclaje, la reinvención y la funcionalidad cotidiana con una actitud desenfadada e intuitiva para amoldar objetos hasta convertirlos en piezas atesorables, tan bonitos e inquietantes como para poseerlos. Todas nuestras piezas son hechas a mano en maderas sólidas. Son únicas, numeradas y en edición limitada.
Le Porc-Shop is a furniture workshop founded by Paula Silva Ruvalcaba and Rodrigo V. Guerrero
where they connect recycling and functionality with an intuitive and playful attitude,
just to mold objects until turning them into treasurable pieces, so pretty and intriguing to
own them. Each of their pieces is unique as it is worked by hand in a very artisan
way. All of their pieces are hand made in solid wood. Each one is unique,
numbered and in limited edition.
Hola ático
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